In this phase a common understanding of the territory is developed with the collaboration of all the researchers, stakeholders and experts identified and involved in the project. Key resource flows are selected through the definition and mapping of material flows and waste management system. The thematisation of the main challenges/problems and objectives is eventually conducted.

Within this phase local teams develop the capacity to design Eco-Innovative Solutions (EIS) and strategies. To achieve this goal, academic activities (workshops, seminars, etc.), and PULL meetings/workshops are carried out. Research and experiments are conducted to assess the status quo, further identifying specific challenges and problems in order to define EIS and their functioning.

In this phase local teams develop a catalogue of Eco-Innovative Solutions which are specific for each case study. In addition, local teams check the proposed Eco-Innovative Solutions and Strategies feasibility, using knowledge coming from various and specific disciplines, by deepening the understanding and development of EIS and Eco-Innovative strategies. This phase is crucial for the transition to more circular models in peri-urban areas and for boosting the innovation processes.

In this phase, local research teams and stakeholders explore the opportunities to draw public attention to the Eco-Innovative Solutions, and eventually to understand the chances for influencing the decision-making processes.
Eventually, if the local condition allows, the design of Eco-Innovative Solutions can become a form of negotiation at the local, regional and even national level in each of the case study areas. The ultimate goal becomes to trigger future local development and influence the decision-making process through co-creation.

Co-Governance is the last phase of the PULL and it is what happens after the REPAiR Project, how the different cases will implement REPAiR in the further projects. Therefore, the section related to this phase has not been implemented as external to REPAiR scope. This phase is about delivering decision-making models based on co-creation and making them transferable to further cases.

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