REPAiR Peri-Urban Living Labs (PULLs) constitute both physical and virtual environments, and are located in specific territories with their own policy and governance setting. They combine areas of expertise from diverse fields of knowledge (e.g., landscape architecture, design, industrial ecology, spatial planning, civil engineering, urban planning, …) and technically diversified competences represented by people, leaders, politics, students, and other relevant local stakeholders’ knowledge), in order to understand the current criticalities as well as to envision future development possibilities in an integrative way. A PULL has five iterative phases (co-exploration; o co-design; o co-production; o co-decision, and o co-governance) with different aims and therefore different methods are applied to achieve these aims. (REPAiR, 2018).

In REPAiR, PULLs are organized in six peri-urban areas across Europe as decision support environments where representative of universities, governance, corporations and in addition individuals make decisions that depend on their role and expertise (REPAiR, 2017).

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