
This workshop focused on sharpening the main challenges for circular economy development in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (AMA).

Next to the TU Delft REPAiR team and Dutch project partners, stakeholders from the AMA also took part, together with REPAiR team members from Belgium and Hungary. Before the workshop, challenge trees were developed using input from interviews with stakeholder in the area, conducted by the project’s work package on Decision Models (WP6), as well as literature and studies of policy document and analyses of existing initiatives. Based on this, four challenge trees were developed, which represent namely the main challenges of Material Flows, Wastescapes, Cooperation, and Policies and Regulations. In the workshop, the stakeholders were asked to confirm, change and add to the challenge trees. Additionally, ideas of possible solutions to overcome challenges were collected, and the stakeholders were asked to indicate who should be involved to make solutions happen. A last step was to find out what needs to be assessed to make a solution valuable. The results from this workshop will be used as input for the next part of the PULL workshop series, which will focus on the development of eco-innovative solutions.
