On April 1st the Horizon2020-Project DECISIVE invited to its first Focus Group meeting in Brussels. DECISIVE develops solutions for decentralised bio-waste management such as local composting and digestion. As the Hamburg case study in REPAiR is focusing on bio-waste, Andreas Obersteg from HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU) was invited to become a member of the DECISIVE Focus Group. Both projects share comparable results in the analysis of the bio-waste problematic in urban and peri-urban areas. An exchange on potentials and challenges of decentralised solutions was fruitful from the perspective of both projects. HCU Hamburg and the DECISIVE partner Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) already established a local exchange between the two projects since last year. They will cooperate more intensively over the next months in the frame of the Hamburg REPAiR PULL and the local DECISIVE meetings.

For more information about DECISIVE (A DECentralIzed management Scheme for Innovative Valorization of urban biowastE) visit the official website here: www.decisive2020.eu