geoFluxus team

The geoFluxus team is a TU Delft spin-off that continues developing GDSE into a commercially available open-source platform. The EU Datathon 2020 is the EU open data competition.

The datathon of geoFuxus team is based on the waste flow data coming from the EU Horizon 2020 projects REPAiR and CINDERELA, and their combination with the EU open datasets. The proposed solution to the EU is a web-app dashboard for companies and governments that maps their waste materials and assesses their environmental impact.

Follow the geoFluxus team on Twitter here.

More info on EU datathon here.

Congratulations to all the 12 teams preselected for EU Datathon 2020! Now the real work begins for all of them them to build an application in time for the European Week of Regions and Cities in October.

source: AMS project journal