The second PULL workshop in Ghent focused on objectives and priorities for bio-waste management in the focus area Ghent-Destelbergen. Based on the challenges identified during the previous meeting, the participants discussed the objectives and their priorities. The following top-6 objectives were identified:
- Retail, catering and households are committed to preventing and reducing food waste or to providing a valuable destination through reuse;
- All necessary measures are taken to maximize the value of the organic material, taking into account the needs in Ghent (focus-area);
- More households, SME’s and catering businesses participate in the separate collection of organic waste;
- Opportunities are created for innovative Circular Economy initiatives to develop into fully-fledged solutions;
- Legislation and regulations make it possible to collect kitchen and food waste together with VFG;
- There is an efficient collection system for organic waste in the region.
During the second part of the meeting, participants were invited to discuss eco-innovative solutions. Two inspiring examples were presented:
- How to increase the participation of small-scale restaurants to the separate organic waste collection;
- How cooperation among different city departments facilitates a local urban agriculture project.
The solutions developed by the participants for the top 6 objectives, will be further elaborated as potential test cases for the GDSE.